Bert and Stephanie Gurchiek have been married for over 20 years. Pastor Bert has served as an Associate Pastor, in Worship Ministry, Children and Youth ministries, Outreach Ministry and many others as well. Pastor Bert and Stephanie have a heart to lead those who do not know Jesus Christ to Him. They have a desire to lead those that know Christ into a closer relationship with Him. Finally, they are on a mission to help those who are hurting from church hurt into a place of healing.
Raina and John have been married for over 30 years. Raina and John work in multiple ministries in the church. Pastor Raina leads our Adult Sunday School on Sunday mornings. They are an active part of our discipleship and prayer ministries.
Tim and Angela McCullough have been married for 29 years. Tim accepted the call to ministry in June of 2018. Tim and Angie love the Lord and have a heart for the lost. They have a particular call of ministry to the homeless and "Dashing for Souls" ministries.